Intermediates: Why Environmentally Friendly Lawn Care is So Important, and Strategies

walk-behind lawn mowerA beautiful lawn gives any home a wonderful first impression. But perfectly green, clean, and manicured lawns can do substantial harm to the environment with all the water, fertilizer and mowing that is required. Some figures show that the average American lawn can use more than 20,000 gallons of water each summer. And with 50 million homeowners mowing their lawn each week, it can contribute up to 5% of the country’s air pollution.

Giving lawns the love and attention they deserve does not have to be harmful to the environment. There are friendly lawn care strategies that will reduce or even eliminate risks to Mother Nature. Here are some ideas you can start implementing this season:

  • When it comes to watering the lawn, use rainwater. It’s simple because all you need to do is catch the rainwater as it’s flowing out of your gutter downspouts. You can use food-grade plastic barrels for this. To water the lawn, you’ll need an electric pump to create enough water pressure to power your “irrigation system.”
  • If you’re new to setting up your rainwater system, or your city has had a lack of rain, do not over-water your lawn. Stick your fingers six inches down into the soil. If there is moisture, your lawn does not need to be watered.
  • Disposing of lawn waste properly is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to help the environment. This can be done via mulching and composting – breaking down yard waste organically. You’ll need to help in the process by doing one of three things with your lawn clippings. First, mulch while you mow with the mulching blade on your mower. Second, bag clippings for disposal. Third, create a compost pile, which allows the waste to be organically recycled back into the earth for nutritional purposes that benefit plants. (Kitchen waste can also go into your compost bin.)
  • Use organic fertilizer as it does a better job in helping create the greenest grass and healthiest soil. It’s also safer for kids and pets, whose health may be threatened by common lawn chemicals.
  • Use environment-friendly grass on your lawn, as they require less watering, less mowing, and less fertilizer. These types include ecolawn, buffalograss, and seashore paspalum.